Curriculum Statement

Curriculum Statement

At Hazel Grove Primary School, we strongly believe that it is our responsibility to prepare our pupils with the knowledge, skills and attitudes that will help them become successful, happy and confident learners and citizens.

Our Curriculum, and the way in which we deliver it, instils a passion for learning in all our pupils and equips them for successful lives beyond our gates. We consider Personal Social Health Education (PSHE) and the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) development of our pupils to be a priority. 

Simply put, our Curriculum is intended to teach children the essential knowledge they need in all subject areas and to equip them for successful lives beyond our walls, opening doors to the future of their choice – whatever that may be! 

The National Curriculum gives children an excellent foundation for learning, but we believe that our curriculum goes way beyond this and represents the framework through which we impart the core body of knowledge that our children will need. 

Our ambition is for all pupils to develop a full appreciation of the world in which they are growing up and to feel a sense of awe and wonder about the vastness of human creativity and achievement.  

We recognise that academic achievement alone is not enough and provide a progressive Enrichment Curriculum as well as an ambitious Academic Curriculum. Both are underpinned by our school mission: Learn Together, Learn Forever.